Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Hello All!

As promised, here it is!  My New Zealand travel blog.  Just in case you weren’t informed via the Engle News Network (aka Mom/Cyndy), I will be spending the second semester of my junior year at the University of Otago in Dunedin, NZ.  I’ve had my eye on NZ since high school, and as my college studies led me down the paths of sustainable agriculture and waste management, the decision for my study abroad became more and more clear.  I’ll be taking classes in environmental and food sciences - in between the visits to the beaches, mountains, lakes, and cities, of course.

[Just in case you didn’t already have NZ’s map memorized...]

I leave tomorrow morning from the Philly airport, make a not-so-quick stop in San Francisco, and then I’ll be in Dunedin by 11 pm Thursday night (EST).  As of yet, I’m still in denial that I will soon be halfway around the world... but I guess the 3 a.m. alarm tomorrow morning will serve as a harsh reality check.

Stay tuned to read about the new people, places and PENGUINS that I will be meeting/visiting in the next four months!

Love to all,

(Oh, and you may be wondering about the blog title.  Before he conquered the “L” sound, my big-little brother Nick used to call me “Ewee.”  My parents found the play on words a little too coincidental... And so my blog was christened.)


  1. Go get 'em tiger. Oh, and tell me how you like vegemite once you get there (after the cranky forever long flight).

  2. Penguins? You better have pictures.

  3. Can't wait to read about your adventures and to watch your journal evolve. And, yes, there better be lots of pictures ~ especially of the penguins...and mountains...and hobbits...

  4. Miss you already! Joanne using Amy's account

  5. @Aaron - don’t worry. There will be - lots!
    @Ellen - my Kiwihost has some Vegemite and he made me smell it - I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to stomach it.
